March 6, 2013

Wellness Tools for Families

Wellness Tools for families:

1.     Have a central calendar for all members' activities. If it is not written on the calendar, it can't be guaranteed to happen.

2.     Read aloud together as a family beginning in the womb until they move away.

3.     Eat supper together every night possible. Play the High/Low game where everyone states their high for the day and their low spot.

4.     Make a big deal out of holidays in an inexpensive way by having some kind of simple decoration up to remind us of celebrating together.

5.     Always have some kind of birthday celebration for each member.

6.     Use Non Violent Communication skills to talk with each other.

7.     Using an indoor voice and rather than yelling.

8.     Scheduled Family Meetings where everyone can add to the comfort agreement.

9.     Follow the Values and Ethics as a family and have a family WRAP.

10.  Take inexpensive day trips and explore the local area often.

11.  Listen to each other. Enjoy each other.

12.  Encourage journaling and quiet times.

13.  Have art supplies available for self-expression. Hang personal art around the home.

14.  Attend each other's activities and support each other's passions.

15.  Have healthy food available at all times and model healthy cooking skills.

16.   No hitting.

17.   Take pictures of each other. Hang them around the home. 

18.   Play together.

19.   Model good sleep hygiene.

20.   Exercise together.

21.   Enjoy sunlight together.

22.   Allow for self-expression.

23.   Make cards to mail to extended family and friends.

24.   Give as a family and individually to others in need.

25.   Model voluntarism.

26.   State clear expectations and maintain boundaries.

27.   Show affection and love.

28.   Be kind and respectful.

29.   Allow opportunity for making money and learning how to manage it.

30.   Have a central White Board where notes can be written every day connecting with each other.

31.   Allow for averageness and mistakes to happen without a dramatic response.

32.   Access support groups.

33.   Work at making the family strong and committed.

34.   Communicate often and with honesty.

35.   Model self-advocacy and personal responsibility.

36.   Support one another.

37.   Have friends and interests outside the family.

38.   Have a spiritual influence.

39.   Model education as important.

40.   Know when you have been triggered and activate your action plan and wellness tools.

41.   Ask for help when needed.

42.   Explore other cultures together.

43.   Invite friends into the home.

44.   Limit disturbing news and media exposure.

45.   Watch movies together.

46.   Ask for each other’s' opinion often and then listen with empathy.

47.   Have family projects to do together.

48.   Keep in regular contact after members have moved out.

49.   Keep the romance going.

50.   Model having meaningful work.

51.   Use color in the home to express each member's personality.

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