
W.R.A.P. Workshop Information

W.R.A.P.® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Workshop Information

I am Janet Laird,  


Advanced Level W.R.A.P.®  Facilitator certified by the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery. I have been facilitating wellness workshops since 2005.

I used to charge to facilitate W.R.A.P. Workshops in person and conduct W.R.A.P. planning consultations by phone or Zoom. If you are interested, I am willing to talk about WRAP with you at no charge. I now offer Art Zoom sessions at no charge on my private Art for Insight Facebook Group.

I am a certified ARTbundance Creativity Coach and creator of ART For INSIGHT. I support the writing of a Wellness Recovery Action Plan® while utilizing simple art prompts to bring deeper understanding and insight to your W.R.A.P.
W.R.A.P.® is a copyright of Mary Ellen Copeland - All Rights Reserved -
I can be reached at

W.R.A.P.® is a unique self-management program written by you that is usually created in the form of writing several lists in a 5 sectioned wellness notebook. Creativity and individuality is strongly encouraged since this is YOUR plan for your life. Art can be utilized in a very healing way and I have many ideas on enhancing your plan using simple art prompts and examples. Each section of the plan describes your lifestyle and expresses what works for you to enhance your wellness - defined by you. The foundation of the system is making a list of Wellness Tools that you enjoy doing and see the value in for achieving and maintaining wellness. You can also include a list of things to Avoid in order to enhance and maintain your wellness. This can be called your Wellness Toolbox of ideas.


The first section of the notebook is the Daily Maintenance Plan where you describe what you are like when you are feeling well as the benchmark you are wanting to create again. Think of what you are like when you are having a good hair day or feel on top of the world and pleased with yourself. In this section you also write what you can do daily to help you feel your best as well as the things you can choose to do when you are especially stressed. It can be helpful to make a list of things you are working on also.


The next section, Triggers, consists of identifying what externally triggers you to not feel well or pushes your buttons. By looking at your first list of Wellness Tools you can develop the response options in the form of an Action Plan to activate what you are like when you are feeling well again. 


The third section is your description of your internal Early Warning Signs - those quiet whispers or red flags that tell us internally that we are starting to decline in our wellness. It is important to acknowledge that something is not right so you can choose to access an Action Plan for what to do in response to those early signs of trouble before they get any worse.The Action Plan can be drawn from your previous Wellness Tools list.

 The fourth section of the WRAP is the description of what its like for you, When Things Are Breaking Down and you feel like your feet have been pulled out from under you. By recognizing when things are really awful and choosing to do something helpful for yourself, you are taking action to cause a change. A great Action Plan for this experience is to access support along with all the other things you have listed in your Wellness Tools list to support yourself.


 The last section of the WRAP is the Crisis Plan where you can have a written plan of how supporters can help you in times of severe crisis when you are not able to make decisions for yourself. It is an Advance Mental Health Directive and describes just what needs to be done according to your preferences and choices to get you back on your feet again. There is also an opportunity to write a Post Crisis Plan that will support you as you return to your regular responsibilities again in a healthy way.

In a W.R.A.P. ® Workshop, you will get assistance in writing your plan for wellness and have the opportunity to look at many recovery topics or Wellness Tools to consider adding to you wellness toolbox. In my W.R.A.P.®
Workshops, we also utilize simple art projects to deepen understanding and have a visual of our wellness plan.


(Wellness Recovery Action Plan)

The number of sessions needed to complete a W.R.A.P (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) will depend on your individual needs and interest. A usual group workshop lasts 8 sessions or 20 hours. That being said, individual facilitation can be extremely effective and supportive. The peer to peer movement that is effectively sweeping the nation utilizes the individual support model of fellow wellness journeyers inspiring and supporting one another. However, the WRAP Workshop, evidence-based model is the group model, and we do not, at this time, have an evidence-based accreditation for individual Skype W.R.A.P.® sessions nor correspondence courses. 
To view the report on WRAP on SAMHSA's National Registry of Evidenced-based Programs and Practices go to 

Recovery is getting from where I am to where I want to be creating a new normal.

In a W.R.A.P.® workshop you will learn how to travel your own road to recovery from whatever is disabling you. Whether it be stress from relationships or career, a physical ailment, addictions, psychiatric symptoms or creative blocks.

In a relaxed atmosphere, you will have the opportunity to design your own personal plan using these key concepts :

 Personal Responsibility

 My 8 Week Schedule for W.R.A.P.® Workshops

Week 1
5 Key concepts of Wellness and Recovery, Overview of WRAP®
Wellness Tool Topics: Personal Rights, Lifestyle Issues, Diversionary Activities, Living Space, Exercise

Week 2
Daily Maintenance Plan: Wellness Tools list, What I Am Like When I Am Feeling Well list, Things I Am Working On list along with SARK's Micromovements concept, Daily Maintenance List, Things I Might Do list
Wellness Tool Topics: Daily planning, Stress reduction and relaxation, Music

Week 3
Triggers and Action Plan
Wellness Tool Topics: Health Care, Communicating with Health Care Providers, Peer Counseling, Diet that affects wellness

Week 4
Early Warning Signs and Action Plan
Wellness Tool Topics: Journaling, Creative Bridge Art Activity, Sleep that affects wellness

Week 5
When Things Are Breaking Down and Action Plan
Wellness Tool Topics: Supporters, Light, Spirituality, Create Gratitude Garland kits

Week 6
Crisis Plan – Advance Mental Health Directives
Post Crisis Plan

Week 7
Changing negative self-talk to possible
Building self-esteem
Refining your life

Week 8
Create handmade recovery books
Trauma and Suicide Prevention
Problem solving

My Values and Ethics of Facilitating W.R.A.P.®

As a W.R.A.P.® facilitator, I support the following values and ethics:

• honor the participants

• accept them as they are and as unique, special individuals

• remind them that there are "no-limits" to anyone's recovery

• give them a sense of hope

• validate their experiences

• treat them with dignity, compassion, respect and unconditional high regard

• give each person choices and options, not final answers

• support the concept that each person is the expert on themselves

In this work, participants learn through their own experience and the experience of others.

This work is:

• based on self-determination - it opens the door for individuals, but doesn't dictate their path

• rooted in the belief in equality - no one is any better or has higher value than anyone else

• a mutual learning model, where both people work together to increase understanding and promote wellness

• not necessarily a replacement for other kinds of therapy, but can complement any other therapy

• adaptable to anyone's personal philosophy

• simple and safe for anyone, regardless of the severity of their symptoms

• based on common sense

• infinitely do-able

• always changing - the body of knowledge is always expanding and is infinite

• not only a program - it is a way of life

Everyone belongs at the table, no matter what their issues or where they are on their path. There are no predetermined outcomes.

I do everything I can to ensure a safe, comfortable and respectful atmosphere for participants.

Gratitude Garland Kits created in a WRAP Workshop
Handmade books created in a WRAP Workshop

Testimonials for Janet Laird W.R.A.P.® Facilitator

Janet, before I joined your class, I’d find myself getting mad and not understand why, but now I’m able to look back and realize what “triggers” my moods to change. This class helped me in so many ways. I learned how to move on from little things in my life that I’ve been stuck on. I definitely learned information that will stick with me for the rest of my life. When I walked out of the class on the last day, I felt like 100 pounds of weight was lifted off my shoulders. It was amazing! Thank you so much!

Janet,the WRAP® workshop helped me to analyze a lot of the experiences I have had, put together a plan to benefit from what I learned, and take an active role in finding emotional stability. WRAP® gives a practical approach to addressing emotional issues.

Janet, I think WRAP® is such a great class. Your class helped me get off of narcotics, of which I am eternally grateful. I am not all pain free, but I have a clear brain and can be an inspired artist again.

Janet, I so want to thank you for this opportunity. The process was wonderful. I can’t imagine a person who wouldn’t benefit from WRAP®. Regardless of who they are and at whatever stage of their journey, WRAP® would be a valuable experience. I highly recommend it! Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents as well as your personal challenges. They all added up to a very rewarding, nurturing experience for me. Thank you for bringing this training to our community. I wish you continued success and wellness."

Janet truly understands that knowledge is power. She has an incredible ability to collect and digest information about mental illnesses, effective treatments and new ways of doing things. In this role of wellness educator, I believe she is able to help many consumers and family members help themselves. She is not only good at collecting helpful information; she also has a passion and talent for sharing that information with others.

Thanks Janet! I appreciate you doing this class. I like WRAP®. The homework helps me, I can see that. Before I could just go through things over and over, now as I heal, I can see patterns. The early patterns I saw were that they were all someone else's fault. The whole idea of triggers is that it's really me who is acting. This is good.

Janet, I like these WRAP® lessons. They tie in really well with what I'm doing with the meditation, cleaning house, nutrition, exercise, and hygiene changes I'm planning 
to make in my life.

Janet, I can't stress enough the importance of having these plans and supports in place before needing to utilize them. Thanks for keeping me from falling.


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